22.11.20 Body cage 2
Having made the concentric steel rings to fit my dimensions, I decide to trial wearing it. I tied the rings together with some red string ,just as a temporary measure and then took it into the garden to try it on. My long suffering partner, Dave, videoed me.
This video shows the moment I put Body cage 2 on for the first time. It worked! Well, it was rather wonky and squashes my face, but it is possible for me to wear it. It was never meant to be comfortable! I also find it funny. What must my neighbours think?
I absolutely love the way the metal moves as I move. It's like a body crinoline. It's much more dynamic than the performance with Body cage 1.
I'm very pleased with the way this has worked but I now need to decide how to more permanently attach the rings. I did decide to wax them so that I can use cloth without it becoming marked with the black dirty oil that comes off untreated steel. I might use webbing, or maybe knit something to fill the spaces. I'm not yet sure. One issue is that I had thought that this sculpture would be easier to store as it is made out of concentric rings and could lie flat. Unfortunately, though, the diameter of the largest ring is so large that I have nowhere I can easily store it. I will have to think about that too.