30.11.20, Self and Other as antagonism, Bishop
'In the case of antagonism, argue Laclau and Mouffe, “we are confronted with a different situation: the presence of the ‘Other’ prevents me from being totally myself. The relation arises not from full totalities, but from the impossibility of their constitution.’’ (Laclau and Mouffe, 1985, p125) In other words, the presence of what is not me renders my identity precarious and vulnerable, and the threat that the other represents transforms my own sense of self into something questionable.' (Bishop, 2004, p66)
'Bishop extolled a model of “antagonism” in art that explored social relations between people in ways contradictory and uncomfortable. She dismissed Gillick and leading relational artist Rirkrit Tiravanija in favor of the work of Hirschhorn and Serra.' (Henry, 2012)
Bishop. C. (2004) Antagonism and relational aesthetics Available at: http://www.teamgal.com/production/1701/SS04October.pdf (Accessed 18 December 2019)
Henry, J (2012) Straight to Hells Available at: https://thenewinquiry.com/straight-to-hells/ (Accessed: 30 November 2020)
Laclau, E.and Mouffe, C (1985) Hegemony and Socialist Strategy London: Verso
'In the case of antagonism, argue Laclau and Mouffe, “we are confronted with a different situation: the presence of the ‘Other’ prevents me from being totally myself. The relation arises not from full totalities, but from the impossibility of their constitution.’’ (Laclau and Mouffe, 1985, p125) In other words, the presence of what is not me renders my identity precarious and vulnerable, and the threat that the other represents transforms my own sense of self into something questionable.' (Bishop, 2004, p66)
'Bishop extolled a model of “antagonism” in art that explored social relations between people in ways contradictory and uncomfortable. She dismissed Gillick and leading relational artist Rirkrit Tiravanija in favor of the work of Hirschhorn and Serra.' (Henry, 2012)
Bishop. C. (2004) Antagonism and relational aesthetics Available at: http://www.teamgal.com/production/1701/SS04October.pdf (Accessed 18 December 2019)
Henry, J (2012) Straight to Hells Available at: https://thenewinquiry.com/straight-to-hells/ (Accessed: 30 November 2020)
Laclau, E.and Mouffe, C (1985) Hegemony and Socialist Strategy London: Verso