Other: Wishing trees
'How can I still facilitate participatory art when we’re self isolated, socially distanced and can’t touch what anyone else has touched?'
Wishing trees is a series of 4 participatory art installations 'planted' outside in public spaces in Bristol. On account of the prevalent contamination anxiety due to Covid-19, I can't leave materials for participants to add so instead passers-by are invited to bring something to tie to the tree next time they walk that way. There has been a wonderful range of responses both physically and virtually, as many people have sent messages via social media for me to add to the installations. There have also been some complaints.
It seems that it is still possible to facilitate participatory art, even during the Covid-19 lock down.
Please click on the links below for more details.
Wishing trees is a series of 4 participatory art installations 'planted' outside in public spaces in Bristol. On account of the prevalent contamination anxiety due to Covid-19, I can't leave materials for participants to add so instead passers-by are invited to bring something to tie to the tree next time they walk that way. There has been a wonderful range of responses both physically and virtually, as many people have sent messages via social media for me to add to the installations. There have also been some complaints.
It seems that it is still possible to facilitate participatory art, even during the Covid-19 lock down.
Please click on the links below for more details.