On 16.3.20, I set up a new Instagram account, @socialengagement. I wrote a short reflection about it here 16.3.20 Social engagement in a time of isolation. At the time, I wasn't sure what it would become, but it was my response to the new social distancing measures. Now, nearly 11 weeks later, what has that account become? I have used it mostly to share things that I found on Instagram that might help people to feel connected. I've obviously also posted my Wishing trees there too. The account now has 128 followers, many of whom follow my main Instagram account, but others who don't. I used this account as well as @loubakerartist on the Wishing trees invitation to participate. I've made some lovely connections through it and I'm planning to keep it going, but my question is still 'How can I facilitate participatory art when we're still all in isolation?' Lock down has eased slightly, but contamination is still an issue. Maybe I'll see whether I can instigate some more social engagement through this account as my next project? Time will tell.